In my artistic endeavors, I strive to encapsulate and convey the ethereal on the canvas. This entails delving into a profound realm of spiritual contemplation, engaging in a dialogue with the divine, and harnessing the evocative force of music.

Spiritual Contemplation: Through the portrayal of abstract forms, subtle hues, and intertwining lines, I endeavor to seize the very essence of the spiritual encounter. My work serves as a visual meditation, beckoning the observer to immerse themselves in their deepest emotions and thoughts.

Dialogue with God: The canvas transforms into a realm for conversing with the divine. Here, I endeavor to illustrate the nexus between the tangible and the spiritual by infusing metaphorical elements. Symbols embodying divine presence may be woven into the abstract composition, creating a semblance of sacred space.

The Music: By employing dynamic forms, lines, and colors, I strive to encapsulate the emotive potency of music. The canvas metamorphoses into a musical score, with visual elements resonating akin to musical notes. Music becomes an imperceptible companion, amplifying the emotional resonance of my art.

On the whole, my aspiration is to forge with my art a heightened plane of perception and communion with the imperceptible. I seek to beckon the observer into introspective musings and a spiritual discourse.

"Begegnung",  Triptych,  jw. 70cm x 70 cm,  Acryl, Holzplatte

"Wüste", 42cm x  16cm, Acryl, Papier